Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Out of Print

Two of my books are going out of print: Explore Your Destiny with Runes and 10 Spriitual Lessons You Can Learn From Your Cat. I had intended to get fancy and make both titles links to Amazon, but it's late and I'm feeling a tad lazy. If you look on the right side of the page you'll see a picture of the books with links to Amazon. Much easier that way.

Get'em while you can cuz soon they will be no more. Well, except for used copies. And foreign editions. In fact, I received the letter telling me they were going out of print and two days later I received the Hungarian edition of the Rune book. One must assume the "going out of print" thing refers to the English versions only.

I'm sad to see them go, but that's publishing. They've both had a good run. Besides, they'll still be hanging around on bookshelves for awhile yet.

1 comment:

  1. Dang, I didn't see this until now. Here it is, December, so I better go out and find these. And I never did get my copies into the mail for you to sign. I've been such a slug! ;)

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Joanna. I've been voiceless for a while (yes, again), but it's coming back...slowly... I hope to have the energy to write, sing (or do sumpin!) soon. ;)

    Lee :)
